Frequently Asked Questions
To see an answer simply click the question below:
Who is Bob Sweeney?
Bob Sweeney is a driven, passionate believer in miracles who enjoys cheering people on to see the miracle within them as they take their talent and care for humanity directly into the lives of those who need it most. He’s also an expert in homelessness, an author, and the founder of Homeless No More and Teddy Cares.
What is Homeless No More?
• A biblically-based, long-term comprehensive recovery program
• 26 courses (teacher’s manual and a student edition)
• Eight 50-minute classes in each course each with a video component available through our media library
• Reflection for residents to journal, allowing participants to see their progress
• An easy-to-follow, customizable program designed to fit your shelter’s specific needs
How does 'Homeless No More' work?
• The Homeless No More program contains specialized tracks for senior citizens and veterans.
• Can be used for any target demographic
• 90% of our graduates reach full homeless recovery
• On-call counselors are available to assist facilitators as resident issues arise
• You benefit from our 17 years of trial and error as this program was created and perfected over time
• Learn more here.
How can I purchase Bob's books?
Bob's books can be purchased through Amazon. See our books here Homeless No More: A Solution for Families, Veterans and Shelters & 25:35 MAIN STREET - Rethinking Homeless America.
How are donations used?
Donations are used to fund our programs and classes, and to offer real and lasting recovery to broken people who come to us wanting to change their lives.
How can I make a donation?
Donations can be made online through our website. Donate to Homeless No More here and Teddy Cares here.
What is your privacy policy?
We take your privacy very seriously. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details.
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
For any further inquiries, please contact us at
How can I volunteer or get involved with Homeless No More?
If you are interested in volunteering or getting involved contact us at
Do you partner with other organizations or homeless shelters?
Yes, we regularly collaborate with homeless shelters, and if you operate a homeless shelter and want to implement our Homeless No More or Teddy Cares programs, we can even assist with writing grants and help you get funding for these programs. Contact us at for support.
What resources do you provide for individuals currently experiencing homelessness?
For individuals currently experiencing homelessness, we offer hope from the first minute we meet them. We share with them details about Dallas LIFE and get information about them through our application process. They are given three days to decide if the program is well suited for them. If not, we also offer a program for those working off site who are just looking for a bed and meals. They do not stay as long and are limited to a certain number of months in our system before they need to leave or consider joining Homeless No More.
How can I stay updated on new programs, resources, or updates from Homeless No More?
The best way to stay updated is to join our newsletter. Click here to join.
What impact has Homeless No More made in the fight against homelessness?
Since our inception, Homeless No More has had a 90% success rate in lifting people out of homelessness.